Dr. Arul Kumar M.
Associate Professor
Ph.D: Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
Research Interests: Process-Structure-Property-Performance relationship, Mechanics and Design, Computational Materials Science, Machine Learning, and In-situ Experiments.
E-mail: marulkr@iiitdm.ac.in | Room No: 291-J, Second Floor, Laboratory Block, Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIITDM Kanchipuram, Chennai
Dr. Avinash Kumar
Assistant Professor
Ph.D: Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
Research Interests: Laser Machining, Surface Engineering, Micro/Nano-fabrication for MEMS, Micro/Nano-fluidics and Bio-devices.
E-mail: avikr@iiitdm.ac.in | Room No: 109-A, First Floor, Laboratory Block, Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIITDM Kanchipuram, Chennai
Dr. Gowthaman Swaminathan
Associate Professor
Ph.D: North Carolina A&T State University
Research Interests: Polymers and composites , Nanomaterials , High temperature foams , Experimental mechanics
E-mail: gowthaman@iiitdm.ac.in | Ph: 044-27476380 | Room No: 119-F, Laboratory Block

Prof. Jayabal K.
Professor and Dean (Academics)
Ph.D: IIT Madras
Research Interests: Finite Element Methods , Material Modelling , Smart Materials and Structures , Biomechanics , Thermoelectric devices
E-mail: jayabal@iiitdm.ac.in | Ph: +91-44-27476362 | Room No: Faculty Room No: 119 – I, Lab Complex

Prof. Jayavel S
Professor and Dean (SRICCE and Planning)
Ph.D: IIT Madras
Research Interests: Fluid and Thermal Sciences , Computational Fluid Dynamics , Applications: Heat Exchanger, Wind Turbine, Electronic Cooling
E-mail: sjv@iiitdm.ac.in | Ph: +91-44-27476352 | Room No: 109F

Dr. P. Kalpana
Associate Professor
Ph.D: Indian Institute of Technology Madras
Research Interests: Smart Supply Chain management / IoT and Block chain, Advanced Optimization Techniques, Data Analytics/AI and ML.
E-mail: kalpana@iiitdm.ac.in | Ph: 04427476386 | Room No: 219L

Dr. Karthick S
Assistant Professor
Ph.D: IIT Madras
Research Interests: Microfluidics and MEMS , Convective heat transfer and Mixing , Mobile Microrobots for drug delivery , Bio-Microfluidics and Lab-on-Chip , Droplet Microfluidics and Interfacial Phenomena , Circulating tumour cells sorting technologies.
E-mail: karthick@iiitdm.ac.in | Ph: +91 44 27476340, 07358722794 | Room No: 119-C

Dr.Kashfull Orra
Assistant Professor
Ph.D: IIT Kanpur
Research Interests: Machining , Theoretical modal analysis , Machine tool dynamics and vibration analysis , Monitoring and control of manufacturing processes , Mathematical modeling and stochastic state estimation , Advanced manufacturing process and machining of super alloys , Surface modifications of bio-implant and product development , Sustainable manufacturing and tribology analysis , Friction stir welding ,
E-mail: orra@iiitdm.ac.in | Ph: +91 44 2747 xxxx | Room No: Cabin # 109L, Laboratory complex

Dr.Kishor Kumar Gajrani
Assistant Professor
Ph.D: IIT Guwahati
Research Interests: Smart Manufacturing and Industry 4.0, Green and Sustainable Machining Processes, Advanced Machining Processes, Micromanufacturing Processes, Nano and Bio-Tribology, Green Lubricants and Coolants, Coatings
E-mail: g.kishor@iiitdm.ac.in | Room No: 108-L, First Floor, Laboratory Complex

Dr. Nagaraj. M
Assistant Professor
Ph.D: NIT Trichy
Research Interests: Severe plastic deformation (SPD) on lightweight alloys. , Friction welding on similar and dissimilar alloys. , Surface modification on biomedical implants, Wear, corrosion and Tribocorrosion analysis on ultrafine-grained alloys. , Design and fabrication of ECAP-processed biomedical implants.
E-mail: nagaraj@iiitdm.ac.in | Room No: 308-F

Dr. Pandithevan P
Associate Professor
Ph.D: Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati
Research Interests: Experimental & Computational Orthopaedic Surgery, Surgineering , Computer-Aided Diagnosis of Neuropathy, Euclidean and Non-Euclidean based Health Monitoring of Cardiac Systems, Computer – Aided Tissue Engineering, Isogeometric Analysis & Finite Element Analysis, Advanced Geometric Modelling & CAD, Design for Additive Manufacturing
E-mail: ppthevan@iiitdm.ac.in | Ph: +91 44 2747 6351 | Room No: 109 K, First Floor, Laboratory Complex||

Prof. Raja B
Professor and Head of the Department
Ph.D: College of Engg, Guindy, Anna University
Research Interests: Enhanced heat transfer, Thermal measurements, Electronic cooling systems, Food Processing Techniques and Design, New Product Development, Energy Storage Devices
E-mail: rajab@iiitdm.ac.in | Ph: +91-44-27476355 | Room No: 109H

Dr.N. Rino Nelson
Assistant Professor
Ph.D: Indian Institute of Technology Madras
Research Interests: Computer Aided Engineering, Finite Element Analysis, Material Characterization, Pressure Vessel Design, Automotive Engine Design, Structural and Dynamic design (Vibration Analysis), Six Sigma Methodology
E-mail: rino@iiitdm.ac.in | Room No: 308-I

Dr Senthilkumaran K
Associate Professor
Ph.D: IIT Delhi
Research Interests: Additive Manufacturing, Sustainable Manufacturing, Smart Manufacturing
E-mail: skumaran@iiitdm.ac.in | Ph: +91-44-27476364 | Room No: #308 L, Laboratory Block

Associate Professor
Ph.D: National Institute of Technology (NIT), Trichy.
Research Interests: Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing , Integrated management of the supply chain , Logistics and Distribution Management , Product Recovery and Remanufacturing , Product Life-Cycle Management
E-mail: bshahul@iiitdm.ac.in | Ph: +91-44-27476344

Dr. Siva Prasad AVS
Assistant Professor
Ph.D: IIT Kanpur
Research Interests: Computational Continuum Mechanics; Meshless methods; Damage Mechanics
E-mail: avs@iiitdm.ac.in | Ph: +91-44-27476385 | Room No: 219-D, Laboratory Building

Dr. Sreekumar M
Ph.D: IIT Madras
Research Interests: Robotics and Control , Serial, Parallel, and Compliant Mechanisms , Smart Materials and Smart Structures , Medical Devices , Fuzzy Control , Biomimetics and Biomechanics , AI, IoT, Smart Manufacturing , Digital Reconstruction of Heritage Artifacts
E-mail: msk@iiitdm.ac.in | Ph: +91-44-2747 6357

Dr. Shubhankar Chakraborty
Assistant Professor
Ph.D: Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
Research Interests: Heat Transfer, Multiphase flow, Multisensor measurement and data fusion, image processing
E-mail: shubhankar@iiitdm.ac.in | Ph: 04427476370 | Room No: Laboratory Complex 308B

Dr. Venkata Timmaraju Mallina
Associate Professor
Ph.D: Indian Institute of Technology Madras
Research Interests: Engineering Design with Polymers and Composites, Fatigue and Fracture of Advanced Engineering Materials , Mathematical Modeling of Materials Behavior, Structural Optimization, Fabrication of Continuous/Short Fiber Reinforced Thermoplastic Composite Products
E-mail: vtmallina@iiitdm.ac.in | Ph: +91-44-27476325 | Room No: L-308 D, Laboratory Block

Dr. Vikash Kumar
Assistant Professor
Ph.D: IIT (ISM) Dhanbad
Research Interests: Turbulent flows, Multiphase flows
E-mail: vikashkumar@iiitdm.ac.in | Room No: 108J